WTO 爭端解決程序介紹 (1) ─訴訟前的諮商
眾律國際法律事務所 黃文政
一、 前言
WTO爭端解決程序的特徵之一,在於偏好在當事人兩造會員間透過雙邊協商以求彼此可接受的方案藉此解決紛爭,而非直接訴諸正式訴訟程序[3]。因此在整個WTO爭端解決程序設計上,諮商必先於正式審判程序,惟諮商結果仍需符合WTO實體規範[4],並通知WTO組織中負責管理貿易爭端的「爭端解決機構」(Dispute Settlement Body, DSB)。
二、 訴訟前的「諮商」(Consultation)
「上訴機構」(the Appellate Body, WTO爭端解決機制中最高法律審)在「墨西哥玉米糖漿案」[5]中指出,當事國可藉由諮商可交換資訊,藉以評估雙方在案件中主張之優劣,進一步可以達成合意解決紛爭,避免走向訴訟。退一步,可以限縮彼此未來訴訟上爭執的範圍。
原告國可依GATT第22條或第23條開啟諮商,惟諮商請求必須與之後進入正式審判程序的第一審訴訟請求保持「同一性」。「上訴機構」(the Appellate Body)在「美國高地棉案」[6]中指出,未於諮商請求中列出的被告國「受控措施」或「違反的WTO協定法條」,不能之後增列於正式審判程序的第一審訴訟請求中,從而不納入第一審爭端解決小組的審判範圍。
(三) 諮商的具體步驟
其一、諮商如有成果,應通知「爭端解決機構」(Dispute Settlement Body, DSB),非當事國的第三國會員國有權評論諮商成果。
其三、如果諮商涉及之被告國為開發中國家時,當事國可以請求延長六十日期限,「爭端解決機構」(Dispute Settlement Body, DSB)主席應在諮商當事國後,決定是否延長與可延長之期限[10]。
[1] DSU 3.3 provides that, the ‘prompt settlement’ of situations in which a Member considers that any benefits accruing to it directly or indirectly under the covered agreements are being impaired by measures taken by another Member is essential to the ‘effective functioning’ of the WTO and ‘the maintenance of a proper balance between the rights and obligations of Members’.
[2] DSU 3.2 stipulates that, the dispute settlement of the WTO is a central element in providing ‘security and predictability’ to the multilateral trading system.
[3] See Peter Van den Bossche and Werner Zdouc, The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organuization-Text, Cases and Materials, Cambridge 2013, pp. 183-184.
[4] DSU 3.7 provides that, the aim of the dispute settlement mechanism is to secure a positive solution to a dispute. A solution ‘mutually acceptable’ to the parties to a dispute and ‘consistent with the covered agreements’ is clearly to be ‘preferred’.
[5] See Appellate Body Report, Mexico-Corn Syrup (21.5-US) (2001).
[6] See Appellate Body Report, US-Upland Cotton (2005).
[7] See DSU 4.6.
[8] See Panel Report, US-Underwear (1997).
[9] See DSU 4.11.
[10] DSU 12.10 provides that, in the context of consultations involving a measure taken by a developing country Member, the parties may agree to extend the periods established in paragraphs 7 and 8 of Article 4. If, after the relevant period has elapsed, the consulting parties cannot agree that consultations have concluded, the Chairman of the DSB shall decide, after consultation with the parties, whether to extend the relevant period and, if so, for how long.
[11] DSU 12.7 stipulates that, where a settlement of the matter among the parties to the dispute has been found, the report of the panel shall be confined to a brief description of the case and to reporting that a solution has been reached.