提供與企業跨國品牌行銷的國際貿易與商標法律事務協商、管理與爭議處理。全球專利商標布局、管理與維權。新創公司、投資併購與證券交易。商品及服務國際貿易合約安排。企業及民眾常用合約範本、各種民刑、行政訴訟的介紹。以供參考用之法規介紹,案例簡介、法庭觀察及法律小品文章與範例以供企業與網民參閱。本部落格的文章及其回覆,不代表本所的正式法律意見。如需進行各種商業交易的合法審查、各國商務契約的草擬談判、提起訴訟或應訊應訴、專利布局授權、商標布局授權,如需本所正式法律意見、法律顧問服務、智慧財產權顧問服務、專利商標註冊申請服務、各種智權爭議及訴訟,請就近聯繫台北所02-27595585,新竹所03-6675569。。本所詳細資訊請自行參閱: 執行合夥律師 范國華博士敬啟 本部落格於2015.12.07成立。

目前分類:眾律研討會 (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要









It is very controversial, no matter at legal or political aspects, to protect intellectual property rights (IPR) by the mechanism of criminal penalty.  Since the power to enforce criminal penalty is a privilege belonging to the nations and regarded as the core of sovereignty, there is an inner paradox between the criminal penalty and the trend of globalization of IPR legislation.  WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) regulates the member states to implement criminal penalty against IPR infringements for the efficiency to protect IPR and the actual needs to prevent violations of IPR on world trade.  Ever since, the international agreements and treaties, which are related to IPR, require the member or participating states to legislate criminal penalty against IPR infringements.

Furthermore, to protect and maximize their benefits and interests on international trading, United States, Japan, and European Union lead a new round of negotiation regarding Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and purport to establish a consistent system of IPR enforcement regulations.  The most critical clauses of ACTA is the expansion of the implementation of criminal penalty against IPR infringements.  On the other hand, the above entities also influence their trading partners regarding IPR protection legislations via bilateral or multilateral trading treaties.  United States strongly drives Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and requires the participants to include the regulations under ACTA, especially the criminal penalty clauses.

This article is to analyze the contexts of the criminal penalty regulations against IPR infringements, from TRIPS to ACTA, and to research the criminal punishment requirements of TPP and the empirical rules retrieved from the WTO dispute resolution panel decisions.  In order to find and reach the standards and principles, which our legislature may refer to in the foreseeable future, and moreover, the essential knowledge and strategic thinking, which are in want on the table of negotiating TPP or the other trading agreements, this article is determined to be the starting point to gaze and discuss such a difficult issue.



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